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Friday, February 1, 2008

VCU and School of Mass Comm open houses give students a chance to learn more

The School of Mass Communications will open its doors at on Saturday, Feb. 2, for interested high school students. The school's open house is staged to begin after the university welcomes students at the Siegel Center at 9 a.m.

After the university's session, the School of Mass Comm will offer informational sessions at 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. Students and their families will gather in a Temple Building lecture hall: Room #1164.

At the School of Mass Comm's open house, students will learn about the five sequences (print journalism, broadcast journalism, creative and strategic advertising, and public relations), expectations of life at VCU and job opportunities and prospects for graduates of the programs.

The Mass Communications sessions will consist of an overview about the school, tours of its facilities, and a question & answer period. During the tours, students will visit the VCU InSight TV studio, and PC and Mac labs.

School of Mass Communications Director Judy VanSlyke Turk will kick things off with an introduction to the school. Advertising Professor Will Sims will lead the advertising tour, Journalism Professor Marcus Messner – the journalism tour, and PR Junior Leah Rullman – the public relations tour.

For more information about the university's open house, visit http://www.ugrad.vcu.edu/openhouse/

Advertising Professor Will Sims, Journalism Professor Marcus Messner,
and PR Junior Leah Rullman are leading tours atthe School of Mass Comm’s
Feb. 2 open house.