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Monday, March 17, 2008

VCU Brandcenter opens its doors

VCU’s nationally recognized graduate advertising school, the Brandcenter, formerly known as VCU Adcenter, celebrated its grand opening on Thursday, March 6. Classes in the new facility started at the beginning of this semester.

A number of industry-leading professionals and board members, visited the new building to congratulate administration and students and give personal advice to upcoming graduates.

VCU President Eugene P. Trani said the Brandcenter faculty, staff and students deserve the celebration for their achievements and national recognition.

“The grand opening of the Brandcenter is a wonderful occasion to celebrate the success of VCU’s graduate advertising program as one of the best in the country,” he said.

During their introductions, professionals told students to work hard, believe in themselves and show passion for advertising on their path to success.

Nick Law, R/GA's chief creative officer for North America, focused on the three C’s that ensure success.

“Concept - you’ve got to be able to think; Craft - you’ve got to make; and the last one is Context – you’ve got to know where that stuff that you make lives in time and space and how to read people,” Law said.

Lori Erdos, vice president of advertising sales for USA Today told students to be proud of their knowledge and degrees when they interview for jobs.

“Have confidence when you go to an interview that you know what you are talking about. Because you really do,” she said. “Also (important are) passion and follow up. It’s not brain surgery, it’s really about commitment.”

Earl Cox, partner and director of strategic planning at The Martin Agency, encouraged students to stand up and show individuality.

“Always, always, always have an opinion,” said Cox, who also is adjunct professor at the Brandcenter. “The more provocative the opinion, the better. I would encourage you to develop a strong opinion about the future (of the advertising industry).”

Echoing Cox, Mike Hughes, president and chief creative officer at The Martin Agency, stressed the importance of networking.

“You sure have a chance here to get to know some professionals in the business who are awfully good people,” he said.

Enthusiasm and passion, many agreed, play an important part in the advertising business.

“You defining and understanding what it is that you love about it and why you want to do it and be part of it, will be critical to your opportunities for getting your first job,” said Jeff Steinhour, managing partner and director of content management at Crispin Porter + Bogusky, “and demonstrate some enthusiasm and passion.”

For detailed coverage of the grand opening of the Brandcenter, featuring videos and photos, visit http://ihaveanidea.org/live/.

Visit the Brandcenter's website.